Monday, November 24, 2008

The Child in Me

I had a very lazy and relaxed sunday. It started snowing yesterday and everything was a little brighter and quieter today. Michael and I climbed on a tree to put out some bird food. We had so much fun! I don't remember the last time i sat on a tree. In the afternoon we went swimming and we used the huge water slide there! Again the child in me was thrilled. I decided to do fun stuff like that more often. After all, I am spending my days reading children's and juvenile fiction, so I might as well.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back from France and still somehow there

We had a great time in France. Toured the South for about three weeks. Hardest part was to come back. Miss the ocean, the super soft sand, the sun. The great wine, the fantastic cheese, the time for myself.

Will settle in soon, I guess.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

i am back online

people, i am back in the virtual world.
i have moved in the meantime. my new adress:

Hirschgraben 17
88214 Ravensburg

i moved out of the shared apartment rather hasty. i really could not stay there any longer. i found cockroaches in the kitchen! gross! i have never seen cockroaches before india and now that... i really was speechless. so i moved to a one bedroom apartment on my own, for right now, until michael joins me in ravensburg.
i am so thrilled to live on my own right, i would have never thought before that i might actually like that. michael is coming down here in about a month, so the long distance relationship will finally have an end! and then summer vacation. good things are about to happen!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

BBQ in Ravensburg

The BBQ seasons has begun, for sure. Another potluck dinner with friends. I love summer!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Neue Anekdoten aus dem buchreport

Kinder: Gewarnt

Zum Schluss noch einmal eine hübsche Episode aus "Gibt's hier auch Bücher - Kuriose Anekdoten eines Buchhändlers" von Reiner Schwer (erschienen bei Pendragon): " Vor ein paar Tagen: Ein Auto hält genau vor der Buchhandlung. Der junge Fahrer steigt aus, umrundet das Gefährt und öffnet die hintere Autotür. Sofort springt ein etwa fünfjähriger Junge heraus und geht auf unsere weit geöffnete Ladentür zu. 'Halt!', ruft da warnend sein Vater, 'nicht da rein. Das ist eine Buchhandlung!'"

buchreport, 14. Februar 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Zitat des Dienstags

Liebe besteht zu drei Vierteln aus Neugier.

Giacomo Girolamo Casanova

Friday, April 4, 2008

वेइशेइत् जुर नाचत

Das Leben ist ein stetiger Übergang von Bedürfnis zu Befriedigung und von dieser zum neuen Bedürfnis. Geht dieser Übergang rasch vonstatten, so nennen wir es Glück, geht es langsam, Leiden.

~Arthur Schopenhauer~

Ps: Die Überschrift heißt WEISHEIT ZUR NACHT... in Hindi

Thursday, April 3, 2008

post scriptum

Two more things that I figured out:

I could never date someone who seriously thinks black bedsheets are cool.
And it must be love if your boyfriend gets up in the morning with you to brush the snow of your bike saddle.

The World and Me

I am terrified of the idea that one day you'll stop learning and developing. I hate to think that one day I no longer take in new information or things stop being exciting. Just imagine: You think, you've seen it all.
That is why I love Peter Pan and the notion of never ending childhood as I believe that children live their curiosity and just feel the amazements of life so much stronger.
The last three month taught me a lot and I think I managed to embrace most of the new experiences, not all of them of course.

In the last three month I found out that YES it is possible to make new friends, even if you are no longer a student. Leaving university and the student circle scared me for the longest time. Comforting to know that kindred spirits can be found anywhere. Most of all when it is least expected.

I also realized that it was the right decision to move into a flat with five other people, despite all the difficulties. I really enjoy the interaction here and the chaos is tolerable - most days.

In the last month two friends got married and two friends FINALLY got together. One friend finally feel in love --- I was thrilled about those news!!! Love to be surprised by these matters of the heart.

In the last five weeks I saw my life turned upside down - triggered pretty much by myself. I did the roller coaster a couple of time till I got sick of it. I am done now.

Three weeks ago I wanted to be single or ... I really did not know. I was in a state of profound confusion. Spring, maybe.

15 days ago: Yes, the world is CARO centred, I know for sure now. And Leo, Carlo and everyone else who thinks he or she might be the center. You guys are wrong.

Last week: I realized that I am girlfriend material after all.

Tonight I learned that sleep is essentiel and I should go to bed at a decent hour. But that never happens ... I am working on that.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Straße: Besprüht

Ein Graffiti-Sprayer hat die Koblenzer Polizei in Erstauen versetzt: Er sprühte für seine Geliebte das Ovid-Zitat: "Spes est quae pascat amorem" ("Es ist die Hoffnung, die die Liebe nährt") auf eine Straße. Bei aller Bewunderung für die Bildung des jungen Mannes muss darauf hingewiesen werden, dass das Besprayen von Straßen eine strafbare Sachbeschädigung darstellt. Allerdings ist kaum zu befürchten, dass er viele Nachahmer finden wird: Die Politik hat mit der Einführung des "Turbo-Abiturs" ja bereits geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen ergriffen.

Aus: buchreport, 21. Februar 2008, S.46.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Songs of my Life

Listening to the ROYAL TENENBAUM soundtrack these days. Seems to fit my mood so perfectly - could be written for my so-called life.
I rediscovered music recently. For some time I did not listen to any music at all. Now I come home and crave musical tunes, some days it is a particular song, others I pick randomly or let iTunes decicde for me. I am listening to songs I have not heard in years and it is great to finally have them back in my life. I almost forgot how much I loved music. Strange, indeed.

Another sleepless night

Can't sleep. Hate it. Hating the whole world while laying awake. Waiting for the release, the sweet careless, dreamless and comforting sleep that I can not seem to be able to find lately. Days are fine, they are fun, full of work, inspiring people and even some new found friends.
My days are so full that it is more than easy to cast away dark thoughts. Only the worries sneak back at night, when I am really longing for eight hours of NOT thinking, laughing, loving, longing, doubting, hating
There is a reason why one should sleep for a third of the day. One really needs that time out. Especially me, right now with days full to the brim of new exciting and partly even frightening experiences.
There is a new understanding growing in me about drug abuse and sleeping pills.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Good laugh

Favourite novel of the has been a bestseller in the UK for some time, I have no idea if it is any good, but I just love the titel.


Is that great or what?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

May in Berlin

Sitze gerade hier zu blauen Stunde in meinem Zimmer und vermisse dich sehr, May. Hab gerade die Photos von uns wiedergefunden. Es war so schön dich zu sehen. Du fehlst mir! Freu mich total auf Juni!!!!!

Was so great to see my best friend May in Berlin.


I have been in Ravensburg now for about two month and I am starting to like my life here. I am incredibly busy but mostly in a good way. Having a nine-to-five job still feels weird at times, though. However, I really love my job - it is so fullfilling and I am ever so grateful that this chance came up. I get up every morning with a positive outlook on the day and generally I am looking forward to see everyone at work.
As usual, I have been lucky: After such a short amount of time - I can say that I found friends here.
I never feel lonesome. Most of you probably know that I am sharing an apartment with five other people. One of them is rather odd, one is really nice. Two of my flatmates I really like a lot. We hang out, eat together, cook together, watch TV ... One of them is a kindred spirit. So I am in the company of great people all day.
Another new thing in my life: I started rock climbing and spent three nights a week doing that. Another bonding experience, especially with two great women from work.
Then there is YOGA and my week is over.
I love being busy!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I am madly in love

with Vanessa da Mata's voice. It is ... just listen for yourself!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Second Impressions

I am starting to like Ravensburg. It is certainly not love at first sight but maybe at third.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lyrik zur Sonntagnacht

Wer Schmetterlinge lachen hört,
der weiß, wie Wolken schmecken,
der wird im Mondschein
ungestört von Furcht,
die Nacht entdecken.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Treue Seelen

Hamburg (ddp). Die treuesten Deutschen leben in Sachsen und Thüringen. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt zumindest eine am Donnerstag veröffentlichte TNS-Emnid-Umfrage im Auftrag der Hamburger Partnerbörse Rund jeder Zweite sei in den beiden ostdeutschen Bundesländern demnach länger als zehn Jahre mit demselben Partner zusammen. In Berlin sei nur rund jeder Dritte schon über ein Jahrzehnt mit seinem derzeitigen Lebensgefährten zusammen.

Die als erzkatholisch geltenden Bayern würden im bundesdeutschen Treue-Vergleich den zweitletzten Platz belegen. Nur 43 Prozent der bayrischen Bevölkerung seien demselben Partner mehr als zehn Jahre treu. Genauso sehe es in Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz und dem Saarland aus.

Deutliche Unterschiede gibt es der Umfrage zufolge zwischen Bewohnern ländlicher Gebiete und Großstädtern auf: Auf den Dörfern wohnen demnach die treueren Seelen. In ländlichen Gebieten mit weniger als 5000 Einwohnern hätten 61 Prozent der Befragten angegeben, schon mehr als zehn Jahre ein und denselben Partner zu lieben. Bei der städtischen Bevölkerung waren es lediglich 43 Prozent.

Auch bezüglich der Schulbildung gibt es markante Unterschiede. Lediglich jeder zweite Befragte mit Abitur habe angegeben, länger als zehn Jahre mit seinem Partner zusammen zu sein. Bei Personen ohne Abitur waren es dagegen 72 Prozent der Befragten.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Work Eat Sleep

Would that be enough for a bestseller? Anyhow: This is my life in a nutshell right now.
I feel terribly boring and grown-up.
My birthday came and went...twenty-nine. No futher comments, here.
Another year to go before I hit thirty. Worried? Not so much, no time really to worry about growing older. I am so busy with getting my life organized right now.
Glad that I found a few soul mates here (in town) to remind me that there is more to life than the above.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


thinking about loads of good friends tonight and about all the different countries they live in:

germany (obviously), india, france, usa, great britain, portugal, israel, jordan, switzerland, iceland, korea, ireland...

i really miss traveling. especially tonight.

Monday, January 28, 2008

am ende eines langen tages und nachdem ich einfach zu viele pferdewitze gelesen habe...

Eine Maus und ein Pferd gehen zusammen über eine Holzbrücke. Das sagt das Pferd: "Wir machen einen ziemlichen Krach, was?" "Ja, ich weiß", entschuldigt sich die Maus, "ich habe heute meine schweren Stiefel an!"

Friday, January 11, 2008

Wisest Words of the Day

January sucks. It is the monday of the year!

Monday, January 7, 2008

New Adress

In case someone still fancies the old-school-way of writing here is my new adress:

Seestrasse 12
88214 Ravensburg

My home phone number: 0751-7682167

Happy New Year post, long overdue

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. May this year be a delightful and exciting one for you all. May your wishes (some of them, not all) come true, may you stay balanced within and enjoy life to the full extent!

I was so preoccupied with packing and moving (once more, it seems like it never stops) that I had hardly time to think about the past year and the one to come. Now, I am trying to catch up on that and I am truely starved for some quality time for myself. Just me and my ego. So right now I even enjoy coming home to an empty house, not having to talk to anyone if I don't want to and having the evening to myself.
I had my first day of work today! Went well, really well. Felt good to go back --some changes, not too many were awaiting me. However, I also feel how draining it is to work eight hours a day in front of a computer. I had to force myself to open my notebook at home tonight.....but I wanted to blog for such a long time. There are a bunch of pictures that I meant to post, as well. Soon!