Monday, April 21, 2008

Neue Anekdoten aus dem buchreport

Kinder: Gewarnt

Zum Schluss noch einmal eine hübsche Episode aus "Gibt's hier auch Bücher - Kuriose Anekdoten eines Buchhändlers" von Reiner Schwer (erschienen bei Pendragon): " Vor ein paar Tagen: Ein Auto hält genau vor der Buchhandlung. Der junge Fahrer steigt aus, umrundet das Gefährt und öffnet die hintere Autotür. Sofort springt ein etwa fünfjähriger Junge heraus und geht auf unsere weit geöffnete Ladentür zu. 'Halt!', ruft da warnend sein Vater, 'nicht da rein. Das ist eine Buchhandlung!'"

buchreport, 14. Februar 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Zitat des Dienstags

Liebe besteht zu drei Vierteln aus Neugier.

Giacomo Girolamo Casanova

Friday, April 4, 2008

वेइशेइत् जुर नाचत

Das Leben ist ein stetiger Übergang von Bedürfnis zu Befriedigung und von dieser zum neuen Bedürfnis. Geht dieser Übergang rasch vonstatten, so nennen wir es Glück, geht es langsam, Leiden.

~Arthur Schopenhauer~

Ps: Die Überschrift heißt WEISHEIT ZUR NACHT... in Hindi

Thursday, April 3, 2008

post scriptum

Two more things that I figured out:

I could never date someone who seriously thinks black bedsheets are cool.
And it must be love if your boyfriend gets up in the morning with you to brush the snow of your bike saddle.

The World and Me

I am terrified of the idea that one day you'll stop learning and developing. I hate to think that one day I no longer take in new information or things stop being exciting. Just imagine: You think, you've seen it all.
That is why I love Peter Pan and the notion of never ending childhood as I believe that children live their curiosity and just feel the amazements of life so much stronger.
The last three month taught me a lot and I think I managed to embrace most of the new experiences, not all of them of course.

In the last three month I found out that YES it is possible to make new friends, even if you are no longer a student. Leaving university and the student circle scared me for the longest time. Comforting to know that kindred spirits can be found anywhere. Most of all when it is least expected.

I also realized that it was the right decision to move into a flat with five other people, despite all the difficulties. I really enjoy the interaction here and the chaos is tolerable - most days.

In the last month two friends got married and two friends FINALLY got together. One friend finally feel in love --- I was thrilled about those news!!! Love to be surprised by these matters of the heart.

In the last five weeks I saw my life turned upside down - triggered pretty much by myself. I did the roller coaster a couple of time till I got sick of it. I am done now.

Three weeks ago I wanted to be single or ... I really did not know. I was in a state of profound confusion. Spring, maybe.

15 days ago: Yes, the world is CARO centred, I know for sure now. And Leo, Carlo and everyone else who thinks he or she might be the center. You guys are wrong.

Last week: I realized that I am girlfriend material after all.

Tonight I learned that sleep is essentiel and I should go to bed at a decent hour. But that never happens ... I am working on that.