Sunday, March 30, 2008

Straße: Besprüht

Ein Graffiti-Sprayer hat die Koblenzer Polizei in Erstauen versetzt: Er sprühte für seine Geliebte das Ovid-Zitat: "Spes est quae pascat amorem" ("Es ist die Hoffnung, die die Liebe nährt") auf eine Straße. Bei aller Bewunderung für die Bildung des jungen Mannes muss darauf hingewiesen werden, dass das Besprayen von Straßen eine strafbare Sachbeschädigung darstellt. Allerdings ist kaum zu befürchten, dass er viele Nachahmer finden wird: Die Politik hat mit der Einführung des "Turbo-Abiturs" ja bereits geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen ergriffen.

Aus: buchreport, 21. Februar 2008, S.46.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Songs of my Life

Listening to the ROYAL TENENBAUM soundtrack these days. Seems to fit my mood so perfectly - could be written for my so-called life.
I rediscovered music recently. For some time I did not listen to any music at all. Now I come home and crave musical tunes, some days it is a particular song, others I pick randomly or let iTunes decicde for me. I am listening to songs I have not heard in years and it is great to finally have them back in my life. I almost forgot how much I loved music. Strange, indeed.

Another sleepless night

Can't sleep. Hate it. Hating the whole world while laying awake. Waiting for the release, the sweet careless, dreamless and comforting sleep that I can not seem to be able to find lately. Days are fine, they are fun, full of work, inspiring people and even some new found friends.
My days are so full that it is more than easy to cast away dark thoughts. Only the worries sneak back at night, when I am really longing for eight hours of NOT thinking, laughing, loving, longing, doubting, hating
There is a reason why one should sleep for a third of the day. One really needs that time out. Especially me, right now with days full to the brim of new exciting and partly even frightening experiences.
There is a new understanding growing in me about drug abuse and sleeping pills.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Good laugh

Favourite novel of the has been a bestseller in the UK for some time, I have no idea if it is any good, but I just love the titel.


Is that great or what?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

May in Berlin

Sitze gerade hier zu blauen Stunde in meinem Zimmer und vermisse dich sehr, May. Hab gerade die Photos von uns wiedergefunden. Es war so schön dich zu sehen. Du fehlst mir! Freu mich total auf Juni!!!!!

Was so great to see my best friend May in Berlin.


I have been in Ravensburg now for about two month and I am starting to like my life here. I am incredibly busy but mostly in a good way. Having a nine-to-five job still feels weird at times, though. However, I really love my job - it is so fullfilling and I am ever so grateful that this chance came up. I get up every morning with a positive outlook on the day and generally I am looking forward to see everyone at work.
As usual, I have been lucky: After such a short amount of time - I can say that I found friends here.
I never feel lonesome. Most of you probably know that I am sharing an apartment with five other people. One of them is rather odd, one is really nice. Two of my flatmates I really like a lot. We hang out, eat together, cook together, watch TV ... One of them is a kindred spirit. So I am in the company of great people all day.
Another new thing in my life: I started rock climbing and spent three nights a week doing that. Another bonding experience, especially with two great women from work.
Then there is YOGA and my week is over.
I love being busy!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I am madly in love

with Vanessa da Mata's voice. It is ... just listen for yourself!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Second Impressions

I am starting to like Ravensburg. It is certainly not love at first sight but maybe at third.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lyrik zur Sonntagnacht

Wer Schmetterlinge lachen hört,
der weiß, wie Wolken schmecken,
der wird im Mondschein
ungestört von Furcht,
die Nacht entdecken.