Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Songs of my Life

Listening to the ROYAL TENENBAUM soundtrack these days. Seems to fit my mood so perfectly - could be written for my so-called life.
I rediscovered music recently. For some time I did not listen to any music at all. Now I come home and crave musical tunes, some days it is a particular song, others I pick randomly or let iTunes decicde for me. I am listening to songs I have not heard in years and it is great to finally have them back in my life. I almost forgot how much I loved music. Strange, indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hallo caro..ich bin's die sophie...bei der du im winter ne runde gewohnt hast ;)
kannst du mir oder dem phil ma deine mail-adresse schicken..?? ich hoffe du hast noch von einem von uns die mail-adresse..
danke und bis denne. und tatarata: frohe ostern!