Friday, May 25, 2007

funny stripes

claudia and i realized that in order to keep up with recent fashion trends we needed some stripes! so we bought identical shirts and loved the funky-stripy feeling! we match perfectly (or almost at least) with lucy's stripes.

ice scream, you scream, we all scream for....

claudia was visiting. much fun was had and loads of ice cream were devoured. in case you have not heard it yet: we had the best ice cream parlor north of the alpes!!!! claudia is our witness! please notice michaels blissful stare at this cone!

Monday, May 21, 2007

monday adventures

tested one of the near by lakes today. we had to take the car tough as it is quite far and i would have rather taken the bikes. strange for me was that they charge you an enterance fee, just like at a public pool which i guess it somehow is but all the lakes in leipzig war free! i just felt wrong and i missed the lakes in leipzig....especially because the water quality was poor and the lake small.
HOWEVER great fun was the water slide there!!!! they only reason really to go into the bloody cold water. once you made it into the water it was fine though and we went for a longer swimm. it felt like summer today and i loved the last days.
finishing the second harry potter tonight, probably.
planing to go and see my family this weekend. my sister was supposed to come and visit us here but now she is sick and can not ride the train, so we go to keep her company.
just finished eating dinner: it was indian food tonight. i loved eating with my hands again. we had spicy green beans, dal and rice of course. getting better in preparing the dishes everytime i make indian food. the green beans in particular are amazing. anyway, THANK YOU MAY for the indian cook book, you are right, it is my cooking bible.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

mit knut geht's gut...

...sehe gerade zum ersten mal bilder von KNUT, weil der rummel um die geburt des eisbären in indien ja völlig an mir vorbei ging. also der lütte is nu wirklich niedlich. sogar siegmar gabriel ist nach berlin gefahren um ihn zu streicheln.
33% fett enthält eisbären-milch übrigens.
knut ist übrigens ein super name- reimt sich mit gut, mut, hut, flut, glut....

Ritter Sport II

Ich habe es ja schon mehrmals erwähnt: wir lieben die Schokolade dieser Firma. Seit heute noch vielmehr, denn wir bekamen heute morgen eine Tafel der 40%igen Vollmilch Schokolade PER POST zugeschickt. Kann sein das dies eine großangelegte Promoaktion ist, aber vielleicht hat sich auch einfach nur rumgesprochen, dass wir große Fans der neuen Sorte sind!

Go, Ritter Sport, go!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

did you know

...that the average life expectancy of afro-americans in the UNITED STATES are lower than people living in kerala, one of the states in the south of INDIA. this is due to the fact that kerala, unlike the US, has a broad health care system that is easily available for everyone.

settling in

cultur schock surely worked both ways for me. after about 6 weeks, i feel like i am starting to like the german way of life again. today is a good day. after over a week of daily rain it finally stoppped and despite some remaining clouds it is rather warm.
now there are 2 weeks left for me here in weimar, then i am moving on. michael still tries to ignore the fact that i am leaving soon and in a way i do too. june first will be the beginning of my adult life, it seems. sure i earned my own living before and yes, i have also been places where i did not know anyone (many times actually). however, this is the first 9-5 job for me in a while and i guess i will be quite an adjustment after weeks of traveling and two month in germany of doing whatever i please. the six month of leisure time that i had just for myself are coming to an end, quickly, as i am starting to realize. i am not too worried about the future but sometimes slightly uneasy about this moving into the real adult world--after all, you can not live the student life forever. at least people tell me so. i do wish though, i could do it for just a little while longer. while being in india i have been good at dealing with surprises and even rough changes but who knows if it'll be the same here, in germany.
started to re-read the harry potters, to prepare for the seventh novel HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS. by the way i read in the newspaper today that j.k.rowling is planing on another book after that one. apparently the income of the eights book will be donated to charity.

Monday, May 7, 2007

lawn rage

hab einen krassen artikel in der süddeutschen gelesen. Laut ted steinberg, der umwelthistoriker und autor des buches "american green" ist, ist in amerika der "rasen zum fetisch" geworden. demnach gehören zwanghaftigkeit und obsessive rasenpflege zusammen. jedes har gibt es fälle von lawn rage: da werden (im extrem fall) menschen getötet, weil der rasen ungefragt überquert wird!

der umsatz der riesigen industrie, die sich mit rasenpfleg beschäftigt, wird auf 40 millionen dollar jährlich geschätzt, mehr als das bruttoinlandsprodukt von ganz vietnam.

rasen bedeckt in den usa zwischen 10 und 20 millionen hektar land, mindestens doppelt soviel wie für den anbau von baumwolle genutzt wird.

30 prozent des brauchwassers an der ostküste und 60 prozent an der westküste dienen der bewässerung des rasens!

weit mehr als 30 millionen kilogramm pestizide und düngemittel werden jährlich über amerikanischen rasen ausgestreut - davon landen 80 prozent in der kanalisation und im grundwasser.