Thursday, April 3, 2008

The World and Me

I am terrified of the idea that one day you'll stop learning and developing. I hate to think that one day I no longer take in new information or things stop being exciting. Just imagine: You think, you've seen it all.
That is why I love Peter Pan and the notion of never ending childhood as I believe that children live their curiosity and just feel the amazements of life so much stronger.
The last three month taught me a lot and I think I managed to embrace most of the new experiences, not all of them of course.

In the last three month I found out that YES it is possible to make new friends, even if you are no longer a student. Leaving university and the student circle scared me for the longest time. Comforting to know that kindred spirits can be found anywhere. Most of all when it is least expected.

I also realized that it was the right decision to move into a flat with five other people, despite all the difficulties. I really enjoy the interaction here and the chaos is tolerable - most days.

In the last month two friends got married and two friends FINALLY got together. One friend finally feel in love --- I was thrilled about those news!!! Love to be surprised by these matters of the heart.

In the last five weeks I saw my life turned upside down - triggered pretty much by myself. I did the roller coaster a couple of time till I got sick of it. I am done now.

Three weeks ago I wanted to be single or ... I really did not know. I was in a state of profound confusion. Spring, maybe.

15 days ago: Yes, the world is CARO centred, I know for sure now. And Leo, Carlo and everyone else who thinks he or she might be the center. You guys are wrong.

Last week: I realized that I am girlfriend material after all.

Tonight I learned that sleep is essentiel and I should go to bed at a decent hour. But that never happens ... I am working on that.

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