Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year post, long overdue

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. May this year be a delightful and exciting one for you all. May your wishes (some of them, not all) come true, may you stay balanced within and enjoy life to the full extent!

I was so preoccupied with packing and moving (once more, it seems like it never stops) that I had hardly time to think about the past year and the one to come. Now, I am trying to catch up on that and I am truely starved for some quality time for myself. Just me and my ego. So right now I even enjoy coming home to an empty house, not having to talk to anyone if I don't want to and having the evening to myself.
I had my first day of work today! Went well, really well. Felt good to go back --some changes, not too many were awaiting me. However, I also feel how draining it is to work eight hours a day in front of a computer. I had to force myself to open my notebook at home tonight.....but I wanted to blog for such a long time. There are a bunch of pictures that I meant to post, as well. Soon!

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