i have a really good time here. love the beach, love the ocean, the smell of fish. it is so hot here. the people say the summer is starting, that means that we have temperatures above 35 degress every day. can not sleep without the fan going but i love the heat and i deal quite well with it. visited many old temples and an orphanage. this place has been famous for stone carving for decades and you see people working on sculptures all over town. it is a small but touristic place with many people trying to sell stuff to you but it is still enjoyable. the south is very differnt from the north. they drink coffee here instead of the chai-that i am addicted to at this point! the chai here is not as good as up north though. otherwise the food is different but i have to dedicate more time to the food that just a few lines. i love indian food whereever i go and here it is more spicy and obviously seafood is popular (not with me, still not).
the language here is no longer hindi but is a regional dialect called tamil. the state i am at is called tamil nadu! people often speak english amongst each other as in the south there are many more dialects spoken than up north.
i have been badly bitten by mosquitos and try hard not to scratch all the time! apparently the bugs love my blood- just my luck.
turns out that johanna from the uk and i get along great. i am going to pondicherry tomorrow and then meet up with here again in mamallapuram. afterwards we are heading to the westcoast to a small place called hampi which is a favourite among backpackers and i quite excited to go and see it. i heard it is magical.
so i am embarking on another 24 hour journey on monday! travelling this time is going to be exciting as we are on a waiting list for the traintickets and do not actually know if we can get on the train until we get there in the morning but at least this time i will not be on my own.
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