Sunday, February 11, 2007

almost gone

o pushkar, i shall miss you. saw my last sunset today near the lake. people gather there every night to witness the sun going down. i love it. every night it is different.
actually ran into people that i traveled with before and the tried to convince us to stay another day but i feel we have to go at some point. otherwise this is turning out to be a hotel California--you can check out any time you like but you can never leave!!!!
my english will be butchered after this trip.
you just adjust after a while. you don't use question tags any longer.
you just add "no" to a sentence to turn it into a question. you like it, no?

favourite indisch-english expressions:
slowly, slowly (they use it all the time)
next time (if you do not stop at one store and wave, they yell at you: next time!!!!)
learned the hindi word for let's go/ vamos: cello
we all use it all the time to express something is finished of somebody left.
cello? cello!

top 5 questions that everyone asks you:
which country?
how you like india?

need to run, dinner is waiting. good bye dinner!
cello pushkar!!!

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