Sunday, July 26, 2009


Our dear old cat friend is no longer with us.

She lived in our street and was my first visitor when I rented our apartment last year.
In the beginning I thought she was not well cared for because she was so terribly skinny. After some time, however, I met the owner and she told me that her cat had always been very slender. Also I found out that the lady cat was very old and deaf.
Every time I walked into town I passed by her garden and whenever she was outside she came to greet me. I have a little basket that she loved. She would rub her back on it and purr and when she purred her whole ribcage trembled.

We greatly miss her and the way into town will never quite be the same.

May you be safe wherever you are and always have a few mouse to feast on.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Child in Me

I had a very lazy and relaxed sunday. It started snowing yesterday and everything was a little brighter and quieter today. Michael and I climbed on a tree to put out some bird food. We had so much fun! I don't remember the last time i sat on a tree. In the afternoon we went swimming and we used the huge water slide there! Again the child in me was thrilled. I decided to do fun stuff like that more often. After all, I am spending my days reading children's and juvenile fiction, so I might as well.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back from France and still somehow there

We had a great time in France. Toured the South for about three weeks. Hardest part was to come back. Miss the ocean, the super soft sand, the sun. The great wine, the fantastic cheese, the time for myself.

Will settle in soon, I guess.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

i am back online

people, i am back in the virtual world.
i have moved in the meantime. my new adress:

Hirschgraben 17
88214 Ravensburg

i moved out of the shared apartment rather hasty. i really could not stay there any longer. i found cockroaches in the kitchen! gross! i have never seen cockroaches before india and now that... i really was speechless. so i moved to a one bedroom apartment on my own, for right now, until michael joins me in ravensburg.
i am so thrilled to live on my own right, i would have never thought before that i might actually like that. michael is coming down here in about a month, so the long distance relationship will finally have an end! and then summer vacation. good things are about to happen!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

BBQ in Ravensburg

The BBQ seasons has begun, for sure. Another potluck dinner with friends. I love summer!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Neue Anekdoten aus dem buchreport

Kinder: Gewarnt

Zum Schluss noch einmal eine hübsche Episode aus "Gibt's hier auch Bücher - Kuriose Anekdoten eines Buchhändlers" von Reiner Schwer (erschienen bei Pendragon): " Vor ein paar Tagen: Ein Auto hält genau vor der Buchhandlung. Der junge Fahrer steigt aus, umrundet das Gefährt und öffnet die hintere Autotür. Sofort springt ein etwa fünfjähriger Junge heraus und geht auf unsere weit geöffnete Ladentür zu. 'Halt!', ruft da warnend sein Vater, 'nicht da rein. Das ist eine Buchhandlung!'"

buchreport, 14. Februar 2008